


All content is made by me unless stated otherwise.
I try my best to credit rightful owners, if I haven’t credited you, please let me know.
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By using any of my content, you must link back. Buttons can be foundhere.

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I will do monthly checks to see if my link is still on your site. If your site is down after several affiliation checks your site will be removed off my list. You will be asked if you wish to remain affiliated, if not your link will be removed.
If you wish to be affiliated with me you must display my link/button on your site. You may apply via cbox.

Top reasons why you are not listed on my site:-
1) You haven’t applied.
2) Your site was down during several affiliation checks
3) I cannot see my link on your site.
4) You did not agree with my terms & conditions.

Please check back later for more!

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